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Books, texts, reflections... for those who want to be entertained, have fun, think, reflect, and, above all, be moved. Grab a cup of coffee and settle in!

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I was born on December 30, 1984, into a middle-class family in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). A psychologist by training, I also completed my degree in Law, passing the Bar Exam shortly afterward. I still had the patience and willingness to take four postgraduate courses (Sociology, Philosophy, Neuropsychology, and Psychoanalysis).


It took much studying and work, but nothing compared to the adventure of building a family! Married to Ruth, my eternal girlfriend since 2004, I am the father of a couple of children (Benjamin and Alice) who keep me smiling and jumping even when I want to close my eyes and not get out of bed.


I started my career as a therapeutic companion, participated in inspections in the Rio de Janeiro prison system, worked in a therapeutic rehabilitation community for drug addicts, had a weekly mental health panel on a radio station and was a relationship columnist in a newspaper .


Today, I combine my online work with my life as a writer, a big dream that I could see materializing when I published my first book in 2022.



Helping his patients to deal with their sadness and participating in their overcoming, Pierre strives to care for his daughter and free himself from his distressing past, seeking meaning and relief through the strong relationships maintained in his office.

Narrated engagingly by his great friend from adolescence, Pierre is the story of a man who needs to face the unpleasantness that life cruelly surprises us with. It is a moving and deeply human novel that, amid uncertainties and upheavals, will make you reflect on the power of love, forgiveness and therapy.



It is a book of chronicles that, without claiming to be a “bible” about human behavior, tells us about the inner journey of each of us on the face of the Earth. Divided into three parts that cover the entire spectrum of human life in society (“Me”, “Us”, and “Them”), the book, conceived in colloquial and easy-to-understand language, brings us the author's observant view on topics that are dear to all living people: life in society, human feelings, loving relationships and raising children. From philosophical thoughts to practical everyday issues, the book tells us about how we deal with the most precious asset given to us: life.


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